Principles of the Raven

 Calling it a manifesto is a bit much, so principles are better. You can read some of it at my blog, where I sell things, if you are curious about my anarcosyndicalistic core values.

With that said, I also need to feed my children, and I know that most people when they hear Anarcosyndicalism either don't know what the fuck it is, or think it's about going without what you worked for, beacuse you give it away to other people. 

It is not.

The cruellest joke played on man, is the hallow, non exsistent value of currency. And with that said, I am not talking about 'survival of the fittest' or any shit like that (were it up to me, we'd burn every example of Principles of biology in existence) 

So basically what it's about is 'swap' economics, perhaps you know how to make curtains, I don't. But I know how to hotwire a car. I need you, and you need me. There is always the danger of artificial praise, that some people will be more important than others, but at least it won't be because they have rich parents, or landed a good job. But because you have a trade.

With that said, there is a loooong explanation on my store front about my principles in regards to that. And it is NOT what this is about. 

The purpose of this blog is to teach you, even should you be a complete novice with a crochet needle, or a glue gun - how to make cool shit, practical shit - for as little money as possible. Sometimes it will be how to upcycle stuff (of course in my own weird taste, but the tecniquies are solid). 

Right now I am working on project 'practical crochet' and that is a series of patterns, and pictures, plus explanation - on how to create socks, blankets, hats and so forth, for as little money as possible, it's about using yarn left overs, and making stuff that will warm your head, your feet, your body (so forth), I even planned on a tablecloth, and a pillowcase - for almost no money, and pretty quick.

Reason for this, is that I am a single parent with 4 kids, and I know all about someone needing mittens, and I'm broke, or that we all need warm socks cause the floor is cold. And sure you can get these things super cheap, but if you want to make it yourself, I'm your girl. 

I am tired of crochet patterns that is so complicated you literally have to sit with a list of abrivations on the side. And when you crochet, you notice trends; and stuff like Cashmere is obvious, right? but a thing like 'anti piling premium acryllic' yarn, is shit expensive, and I often see people make something out of that, cause it's easy, pretty and nice - it doesn't split and is nice to work with. Right now I am making something in the same sort of yarn, I bought it on sale for under half the price, which is still on the limit of what I am willing to pay. I am sick of tired of people using hooks that will cost you €20 and they shrug it off like nothing. Dude that is food for 2 days if you're broke. And lastly I am tired of the 'fancy' shit, cause it is nice, I like to make complicated stuff that looks like lace. But do I use it? no. Do I use those lame socks I made from leftover yarn last winter? Yes. 

So this is my attempt to roll it back a little, to come back to what this is about. Not making shit for the sake of making it, and not being fooled into thinking you need super expensive yarns & hooks to do it

YARN & HOOKS (New or thrift) 

So what can you do if you are not ready for a yarnsale? Well, when I started out crocheting, I bought a crochet hook size 3,5 in Sisters Greene, that cost me litteraly less than a busticket. I would however recommend that you buy a 4 or a 5, cause that is often what you work with, when you make anything practical, it's rare you use a hook as little as 3,5 and under for anything but very complicated shawls (for instance) or teddies/dolls. And yarn? Well Sisters Greene have yarn, I would however avoid their cotton yarn untill you are good at it, cause it has zero stretch and hard to unravel. 

My advise to you is to go to your local thrift shop and I assure you they have yarn, often they have like premade bags of it, where you get a little of everything. Get one of those. Also they have crochet hooks, and it takes a little to find what you like, so when they cost under €1, you can buy two and try out. 


You will also need measuring tape, or something else to measure with - I mean if you measure in 'your foot is 2½ phone long' I'm all good with that, we've all been there. If you can't afford measuring tape, I would advise you to use the wrap from the yarn (if there is one), and use that to measure, you can either draw a line, or cut it where you need, and that way you can still measure how long the 'body' of the sock shoud be. I did that for years, and it works.


You sadly also need a row counter. You can download one for your phone as an app for free, and you can also download one on the windows store for free (but I sadly think it's shit). I do not like those, and I do have a row counter, I mean if you're lucky they have one at the thrift store, but if not. Use a damn block of paper and a pen, as long as you can keep count of your rows. It is really, really important unless you want to ragequit when you make your first sock. 


Dude you already have this. And if not - again! Thrift is your friend, You need what is called either a yarn needle, or a wool needle (what is important is that it has a large eye, and is not pointy)


They are a serious lifesaviour. I can show you how to make your own out of safety needels, but really you just need a scrap of yarn in a different color than the one you're using, and you wrap that into a stitch (do not crochet it in, just wrap it around), so you can easily pull it out and move it. But you seriously need it, again you don't have to make this more difficult than it is.

Lastly I want to say that most patterns I will show you, it's not really important if you happen to have 20 stitches and not 21, or if you make 54 rows and not 60. These patterns are practical, not fancy, easy, works up fast, and most of all - versatile.

R. Nordravn


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