Super simple kitchen rag #1


EN: This guide is written both in English and in Danish

DK: Den her guide er både på engelsk og dansk.

 (US): Double Crochet (DC) * Single Crochet (SC) * Chain Stitch (CH) * slip stitch (SL ST)

(DK:) Stangmaske (STGM) * Fastmaske (FM) * Luftmaske (LM) * kædemaske (KM)

REP = repeat / GENT= gentag

RW= row / RK = række

SK= skip / SPO= spring over

ST= stitch / M= maske

CL= cluster (x3ST) / KL= klynge (x3M)

INFO: because a UK TR is the same as a US DC, and a UK DC is a US SC, I haven't included more UK abriviations here, cause it's the same stitch, just a different name. 

Og forklaringen er kun skrevet på engelsk, hvis nogen gerne vil have den på dansk, sig til. Men abbrivationerne (dvs forklaringen) er på dansk.

Okay so you need some yarn, I had a scrap here, so that's what we're using. A crochet hook and I personally go up a size or two, cause I don't like my kitchen rags all cramped up. And you of course also need a needle to sow in the ends, and a pair of scissors.

The first you do is to make a chain of 30 stitches +2 (more or less is up to you, I just like it 30) This pattern is ridicolously forgiving, and you don't have to really count, cause it doesn't matter if you have an equal or unequal stitch count - so make it as long as you feel you need, and then +2 (32 in total). Turn your work, and skip the two stiches we added (the +2) and insert our hook in the third stitch from the hook, and make a double crochet. Now the +2 counts as our first double crochet, so make a double crochet in the next stitch in the next and every stitch untill the end, when you make it to the last stitch, chain 2 and turn your work.

CH 30+2 - TURN. SK 2 ST, 1 DC in 3 ST  [1 DC in every ST till end] CH2 - TURN

LM 30+2 - VEND. SPO 2 M, 1 STGM i 3 M [1 STGM i alle M till slut] LM2 - VEND


Make a double crochet in the very first stitch, the +2 does not count as a stitch, but is just there to give us some height. Then make a double crochet in every stitch untill you reach the end. Chain two and turn your work. You repeat this for as many rows as you like. There is also no "rule" as to what row you should end on, because it's a one row repeat.

[REP] 1 DC in first ST [1 DC in every ST till end] CH2 - TURN 

[GENT] 1 STGM i første M [1 STGM i all M till slut] LM2 - VEND


When your piece has the size you want, it's time to stabilize it. You can of course just leave it like this, no problem. But I like to have an edge, also because I absolutely HATE those loops some people make to hang your kitchen rag up on a hook - who does that? Anyway; when you finish your last row, you make a chain 1, and turn. and then you make a single crochet in the same/first stitch, and then work your way till the corner, making a single crochet in every stitch.

[at end of last DC RW] CH1 - TURN. [1 SC in first ST] 1 SC in all ST till end of RW.

[ved slutning af sidste STGM RK] LM1 - VEND [1 FM i første M] 1 FM i alle M til slut af RK.

When you make it to the corner, instead of turning your work, you place 3 single crochet inside the same stitch (the corner stitch) and work your way down the side of your work, since this is a rag it doesn't matter if your count is off, so just place a stitch in roughly every opening you see, what is important here is that you don't have too many or too few single crochet stitches on the sides, or your work will furl up, or look weirdly wiggly. Make your way around your work with single crochet stitches in every stitch (3 in the corner stitch = cluster) and when you make it till where you started, make 2 single crochet in the corner (cause you already have 1 from the start) and slip stitch into the third. - stop, you can either just end here, or give it a little bling. 

[corner] CL in corner ST - 1 SC in all ST  till corner - CL - 1 SC in all ST till corner - CL. [do this till you reach the first corner, where you began] 2SC in corner ST - SLST into last SC in corner ST. 

[hjørne] KL i hjørne M - 1 FM i alle M indtil du rammer hjørnet - KL - 1FM i alle M intil du rammer næste hjørne - KL [gør det indtil du kommer til det hjørne hvor du startede] 2FM i hjørne M - KM ind i sidste hjørne M.

Chain 2 and make a double crochet in the same stitch as you just slip stitched into (as in the last stitch of the corner), this will count as one double crochet. You can do it as you wish, but I am lazy and this is the easiest way I know of, to get the height on a double crochet row, from a single crochet one. Anyways, chain 1 and skip a stich, placing a double crochet into the second stitch. Every time you have a chain 1 you skip the stitch underneath. When you get to the corner you do the same as before, and place a cluster of 3 double crochet in the corner stitch. then chain 1 and skip the first stich, making a double crochet in the second stitch from the cluster. When you made it all the way around, you make two double chrochet in the start stitch, and slip stitch into the start double crochet you made - and we're done.

CH2 - 1 DC in same stitch as you just SL ST into - CH1 - SK1 - 1DC in ST - CH1 - SK1 - 1DC (corners= CH1 - DC CL - CH1) cont. around to the first corner - 2DC in same ST - SL ST in last DC in the CL. 

LM2 - 1STGM i samme M som du lige KM ind i - LM1 - SPO1 - 1STGM - LM1 - SPO1 - 1STGM (Hjørne= 1LM - STGM KL - 1LM) fortsæt rundt indtil du kommer tilbage til det første hjørne - 2STGM i samme M - KM ind i den sidste STGM i KL. 

You totally decerved your coffee!



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